여행약관/Reimbursement conditions & Cancellation Policy



저희 오케이투어를 이용하여 주셔서 감사합니다. 상품구매에 따른 계약 내용과 조건을 아래와 같이 알려 드리니 잘 읽어 보시고 이해가 되지 않은 부분이 있으시면 접수직원에게 질문하시어 완전히 이해하셔서 착오와 오해로 인한 불이익을 받지 않도록 하시기 바랍니다.

1. 오픈되어있는 날짜는 예약 가능 투어의 날짜이며, 예약 가능 투어는 출발 확정이 아닙니다. 확정 요일을 알고 싶으시면 사무실로 연락 후 예약을 진행해 주세요.

2. 투어 최소인원이 모객 되지 않아, 출발을 못하게 될 경우 부득이하게 날짜를 변경해야 할 수 있습니다.

3. 예약  결제 오케이투어로부터 예약 컨펌 이메일을 받아야 예약 완료이므로 이메일을 받지 못할 경우 사무실로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

 1  (목적)

본 약관은 여행자 여러분의 편의, 안전, 그리고 구매하신 여행상품에 대한 구체적이고 명확한 이해를 위하여 여행자와 당사 간의 계약 내용을 밝혀두기 위함입니다.

 2  (계약효력기간  계약성립)

당사와 여행자분과의 계약은 직접방문, 전화, e-mail, fax 등 이용 가능한 모든 통신/대화 수단으로 접수한 것을 모두 계약성립으로 인정하고 여행자분과 당사의 상담자 간의 동의가 이루어진 순간부터 구매하신 여행상품의 행사가 종료된 뒤 3일 (72시간) 이내에 불만을 제기하시지 않을 경우 계약이 종료된 것으로 간주합니다.

 3  (예약금과 당일 수금)

1) 특별히 합의되지 않는 한 상품 구매에 대한 예약금은 예약 즉시 총 행사비의 50%를 예약금으로 납부 하셔야하며, 항공 상품의 경우 최소한의 상품 가격에 포함된 항공료 이상의 예약금을 납부하셔야 예약이 유지됩니다. 미납금이 발생했다면 최소 출발 2주일전까지 완납하셔야하며 지각 또는 no-show시에도 미납급 지급은 완료 되어야 합니다.

2) 지각 또는 no-show로 인한 당일캔슬은 환불이 불가능합니다.

 4  (예약 변경  취소)

1) 아래 도표 기준에 적용되나, 취소/환불 시 수수료가 추가 발생합니다.
(당일 투어의 경우: $20, 2박 이하 투어의 경우:$30, 3박 이상 투어의 경우: $50) – 1인당 기준

2) 단, 여행자 본인 혹은 배우자, 본인/배우자의 부모, 자녀의 사망에 대한 증명서를 제출하시면, 출발일로부터 10일 이내에 취소하셔도 수수료를 제외한 전액을 환불 또는 변경하여 드립니다. (단, 항공/기차/크루즈는 해당하지 않음)

3) 환불시, 패널티는 디파짓에서 적용되는 것이 아닌 계약하신 전체 투어비에 따라 적용됩니다. 따라서 패널티가 디파짓과 동일한 경우 환불 되는 것은 없으며 패널티 요금이 디파짓 보다 큰 경우 추가 요금을 내셔야 할 수도 있습니다.

4) 취소하신 투어에 대한 금액이 크레딧으로 전환된 경우에는 다른 투어로 변경 사용 가능하시며 (크루즈, 항공권 및 항공패키지 관련상품 제외) 사용 기한은 특별한 예외가 없는 이상 예약 하신날로 부터 일년간 유효하며 그 이후에는 자동 소멸 됩니다. 단 , 투어 출발하기 한달 전에는 크레딧으로도 전환 불가하며, 천재지변, 사망 등의 불가피한 경우에는 담당자와 상의 바랍니다. 또한 투어 금액이 변경 되는 경우에 추가 비용 발생 될 수 있습니다.

※ 육로 상품 – 취소/환불의 경우

1. 출발일로 부터 90일 이상 남았을 시 : 100% 환불 가능
2. 70일 ~ 89일 사이 : 20% 패널티 적용
3. 50일 ~ 69일 사이 : 40% 패널티 적용
4. 30일 ~ 49일 사이 : 60% 패널티 적용
5. 출발일로 부터 29일 이내 : 취소/환불 불가

※ 육로 상품 – 변경의 경우

투어 출발 날짜 변경은 출발일로부터 1주일 이상 남았을 시 가능하며, 패널티 및 수수료 없이 변경 가능합니다.
(단, 일일상품 제외한 모든상품의경우 출발일로부터 2주일 이상 남아야함)

※ 항공/기차를 포함하는 상품의 경우

취소/환불의 경우 투어는 위, 육로상품 기준과 동일하게 적용되나,
항공/기차 티켓은 환불불가, 날짜변경은 출발일로부터 2주일 이상 남았을 시 가능합니다.
변경 시 발생하는 항공사 변경 패널티+차액금은 여행자 부담입니다.
정확한 패널티는 예약 시 담당 직원과 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

※ 항공단독 예약의 경우

해당 항공사에 따른 룰 적용되며, 예약 시 담당 직원과 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

이용 항공의 캔슬 및 스케줄 변경으로 인해 투어에 참여하지 못할 시, 변경된 항공 내용을 증명해주시면, 첫날 호텔 비용을 제외한 투어 비용 전액을 오케이투어 크레디트로 전환하며, 추후 재사용하실 수 있습니다.

※ 크루즈 상품의 경우

해당 크루즈사에 따른 룰 적용되며, 예약 시 담당 직원과 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

※ 호텔 예약의 경우

해당 호텔에 따른 룰 적용되며, 예약 시 담당 직원과 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

 5  (육로상품의 No-show, 지각  당일 행사 변경)

1) 모든 상품의 행사 출발일에 여행자분께서 아무런 연락이 없이 예약 시 약속된 출발 장소의 시간에서 10분 이상 늦으면 여행을 포기한 것으로 간주하고 no-show 처리 후 출발하며, 납부하신 금액에 따른 환불 및 날짜변경은 불가합니다.

2) 특별히 약정되지 않는 한 출발장소에 출발시각에 맞추어 오시는 것은 여행자분의 책임이며 대중교통을 이용하시는 여행자분은 대중교통에 대한 정보를 여행자분의 책임하에 알아보아야 하며 당사는 일체의 정보를 제공하지도 않을뿐더러 혹시 제공된 정보에 대하여 책임을 지지 않습니다. 광역 Vancouver 일대의 대중교통 시각표는 학교, 도서관 등에서 무료로 배포하는 인쇄된 대중교통 시각표를 참조하시거나 www.translink.bc.ca 에 가시면 확인하실 수 있습니다. 특히 일요일이나 휴일의 경우 대중교통 운행 개시 시각과 간격이 평일보다 상당히 늦음을 유의하시기 바랍니다.

3) 이민국이나 세관심사통과 기타 출입국 관련에 관한 사항은 여행자분 본인의 책임이며 출입국 관련 문제로 인하여 행사참여가 불가능한 경우 역시 행사비용의 반환은 없습니다.

 6  (최소 행사 인원 미충족)

여행 상품의 최소 행사인원이 충족되지 아니하여 출발이 취소되는 경우, 당사에서는 여행 출발 48시간 전까지 여행자께 이를 고지하고 계약을 해지할 수 있습니다. 출발 가능한 타 여행 상품을 여행자께 추천할 수 있으며, 여행자께서 타 여행 상품을 원하시지 않으시는 경우는 전액을 환불 해드릴 의무가 있습니다.

 7  (환급 규정)

1) 여행조건 변경 및 여행요금 변경으로 인하여 여행요금에 증감이 생기는 경우에는 여행출발 전 변경 분은 여행출발 이전에, 여행 중 변경 분은 여행종료 후 10일 이내에 각각 정산(환급)하여야 합니다.

2) 여행 계약의 해제 또는 해지로 인하여 손해배상액이 발생한 경우에는 여행출발 전 발생 분은 여행 출발 이전에, 여행 중 발생 분은 여행종료 후 10일 이내에 각각 정산(환급)하여야 합니다.

3) 여행자는 여행출발 후 자기의 사정으로 숙박, 식사, 관광 등 여행요금에 포함된 서비스를 제공받지 못한 경우 여행사에게 그에 상응하는 요금의 환급을 청구할 수 없습니다.

 8  (당사의 책임)

당사는 여행 출발 시부터 도착 시까지 당사 본인 또는 그 고용인(투어가이드)이 당사 임무와 관련하여 여행자에게 고의 또는 과실로 손해를 가한 경우 책임을 집니다. 또한 국외 여행 시 입국심사 과정을 위해 필요한 서류를 사전에 여행자에게 안내할 의무가 있습니다.

 9  (면책사항)

1) 여행자의 고의 또는 과실로 당사에 끼친 손해에 대하여 여행자는 당사에 배상 및 보상의 책임을 집니다. 여행 출발 당일에 필요서류 미지참시 입국심사 과정에서 불이익을 받으실 수 있으며, 그로 인해 혹은 다른 개인적인 사정으로 인하여 입국이 거부될 시 당사는 책임이 없음을 알려드립니다.

2) 천재지변, 기상악화 또는 전란, 정부의 명령 등 불가항력으로 인해 여행의 목적을 달성할 수 없는 경우 당사는 귀책사유가 없습니다.

3) 현지 사정에 의한 운송 수단의 결항이나 지연 혹은 기기 결함으로 인해 일정을 예정대로 진행하기 어려운 경우 당사와 인솔자의 판단에 따라 여행조건과 일정은 변경될 수 있으며, 이에 대해 여행자 불만족 발생 시 보상기준은 운송 업체의 규정을 기준으로 합니다.

4) 여행기간 동안 당사가 아닌 사용업체(항공, 호텔, 차량, 식당 등)의 과실로 인한 불이익 및 여행 일정상의 변동은 해당 업체의 규정을 기준으로 처리됩니다.

5) 여행자의 귀중품 및 소지품은 여행자 자신의 책임하에 각자 보관하여야 합니다. 여행 도중 여행자의 귀중품 및 소지품의 도난이 발생한 경우 여행자는 지체 없이 그 사실을 여행자가 개별적으로 가입한 해당 보험회사에 알리고 도난 확인서 및 경위서 등의 필요 서류를 빠른 시간 내에 제출하여야 합니다.

6) 단체관광 중 여행자의 부주의로 인한 사고로 여행 진행이 불가능할 시 당사의 귀책사유에 해당되지 않으므로 여행요금을 반환하지 않습니다.

7) 당사는 이 여행과 관련하여 보험에 가입할 의무가 없으며, 여행자 보험은 여행자가 개별적으로 가입하여야 합니다.

8) 여행의 계약 완료 후 사전 고지 없이 여행에 참여하는 여행자 임의로 여행 상품을 타인에게 양도하였을 경우, 양도 받은 타인은 여행 시작일 여행에 참여할 수 없으며 당사의 귀책사유에 해당되지 않으므로 여행 요금의 반환 또한 이루어지지 않습니다.

 10  (불만제기  보상)

모든 행사에 대한 불만제기는 예약 당시 및 행사 종료 후 72시간 이내에 서면, fax 또는 e-mail로 제기하여야 합니다.
제기된 모든 불만은 책임진행자, 동행하였던 여행자들의 의견, 현지관계자의 의견들을 종합하여 당사에서 최대한 신속하게 처리하여 드립니다.

항공사 취소/환불 정책
※ 대한항공

취소 및 NOSHOW 위약금 – CAD390 / 출발 날짜 변경 – CAD290 + 등급차액

리턴 날짜 변경은 동일한 클래스 요금으로 무료입니다. 기타 모든 규정은 항공사를 참조하십시오.

※ 에어캐나다 국내선

취소 티켓은 환불 및 양도가 불가능합니다. 부분적으로 사용된 티켓은 환불 평가를 위해 제출될 수 있습니다. 환불은 다음과 같이 계산됩니다: 지불한 실제 운임에서 여행한 부분의 가치에서 해당 수수료를 뺀 금액. 취소는 출발 45분 전까지 가능합니다. 예외: Aeroplan 마일리지는 늦어도 출발 2시간 전까지 취소해야 합니다.

※ 에어캐나다 인터내셔널

취소 티켓은 환불 및 양도가 불가능합니다. 부분적으로 사용된 티켓은 환불 평가를 위해 제출될 수 있습니다. 환불은 다음과 같이 계산됩니다: 지불한 실제 운임에서 여행한 부분의 가치에서 해당 수수료를 뺀 금액. 취소는 출발 45분 전까지 가능합니다.

본 항공권 규정은 이용하는 등급에 따라 다르게 적용될수있으니, 담당자님과 재확인해주세요.
제 3자 항공사 취소/환불 정책
※ 대한항공 : 환불 수수료 390불, 변경 수수료 290불 +등급차액

※ 에어캐나다 : 변경 수수료 100불

본 항공권 규정은 이용하는 등급에 따라 다르게 적용될 수있으니, 담당자님과 재확인해주세요.





Thank you for choosing OCK TOUR

The following clause is about contract terms and conditions for product purchases. Please read carefully and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. It is to protect both parties from any disadvantages due to misapprehension.

1. The open date is the date of the tour that can be reserved, and the tour that can be reserved is not confirmed to depart. If you would like to know the confirmed day, please contact the office and make a reservation.

2. If the minimum number of people for the tour is not met and the departure is not possible, the date may inevitably be changed.

3. After reservation and payment, you must receive a reservation confirmation e-mail from OCK Tour to complete the reservation. If you do not receive an e-mail, please contact the office.

Article 1 (Main Purpose)

This clause is to clarify your convenience, safety and the detailed information of the contract between customer and company.

Article 2 (Contract Expiration Date and Contract Formation)

Our company considers all contract signed by walk in, e-mail, by phone, fax and etc (all available communication methods) to be valid as a contract formation unless a complaint regarding the contract has been reported within 3 days (72hrs), if not, our company will consider the contract to be settled.

Article 3 (Deposit and Collection)

1) Exemption of pre-arranged agreement, minimum 30% of the total price must be deposited. For the tours including air-flights, deposit amount higher than the flight ticket fare must be paid to complete the reservation. Unpaid balance has to be paid before 30 days prior to the departure date.

2) If you prefer to pay on departure date, your credit card information and the minimum deposit must be collected to settle for an agreement with the employee, being late or not showing at the departure date will not exclude customer’s duty to pay for the unpaid balance. (This clause can only be applied for tours with less than 3 nights or tours excluding flights.)

Article 4 (Changing reservation/cancellation)

1) The regulation below will be applied as standards, but extra fees will be charged by OCK TOUR for Cancelation/Refunds. (Day tour:$20, Less than 2 nights tour:$30, More than 3night: $50) – per person

2) By sending us proof regarding the death or serious injury of your/spouse’s immediate family, cancelation within 10 days of departure can be refunded 100%(except for the service charge) or can be re-scheduled.

※ Bus tour – Cancel/Refunds

1. More than 90 days prior to departure date: 100% Refundable
2. Between 70-89 days: 20% Penalty
3. Between 50-69 days: 40% Penalty
4. Between 30-49 days: 60% Penalty
5. Less than 29 days left : Non-Refundable

※ Bus tour – In case of schedule changes

Alteration of departure date is available without penalties if altered at least 7 days before the departure date. (All other tours, with exception of one day tour, must be altered at least 2 weeks before the departure date.)

※ Flight/Via rail included Tour

Cancellation/Refund policies are same as the Bus Tour, Flight/Via rail tickets are non-refundable, and departure date can be altered before 2 weeks from the departure date. Any penalties and price differences caused by the alteration or cancellation is under your expense.

※ Flight Only

Chosen airline terms are applied, please contact to our agent in charge of your reservation.

※ Cruise

Chosen Cruise terms are applied, please refer to the staff in charge of your reservation.

Article 5 (About No-show or late for bus tour)

1) Being late for more than 10 mins at the meeting place without notice will be considered as a No-Show, it is non-refundable/changeable.

2) With exception of special arrangements, all customers have to be on time. Customers using public transportation have the obligation to arrange their trips to be on time for the meeting. All information regarding the public transportation within Vancouver can be found at www.translink.bc.ca. Please note that weekend/holiday schedules differ from weekdays.

3) The customer has the total liability against the immigration office or custom examination, failure to proceed the tour due to any problem caused at the immigration will not grant you any compensation or refunds.

Article 6 (Complaints and Compensation)

Complaints must be reported by fax or emailed within 72 hours after the tour. All complaints received will be dealt after organizing the information that are collected from related staff members, other accompanied customers and local staffs on site.

Article 7 (Refund rule)

1) If a customer has an out of pocket expense because of changes on tour conditions or tour fee changes, a) If it has happened before the tour, the request for reimbursement must be made before the tour starts. b) If it is happened during the tour, the request for reimbursement must be made within 10 days from the last day of the tour.

2) If a customer has an out of pocket expense because of cancellation of a tour, a) If it has happened before tour, the refund must be made before the tour start day. b) If it has happened during the tour, the refund must be made within 10 days from the last day of the tour.

3) If the customers could not receive services in regards accommodations, meals, tours and etc, including the tour, due to the customerÂ’s personal circumstances. The customer will not be reimbursed.

Article 8 (Our Responsibility)

If the customer has an out of pocket expense due to the fault of our company or its employees (knowingly or not), our company bears a responsibility of reimbursement.

Article 9 (Exemption from liability)

1) If the company experiences extra expenses due to the fault of the customer, the customer has a responsibility to reimburse our company. The customer might be denied entry to the country if the customer fails to bring the necessary documents for travel or due to the problems of a personal nature. The company doesn’t have liability in these cases.

2) If the tour cannot proceed due unforeseen circumstances including but not exclusive to natural disaster, deteriorating weather conditions, command of government, irresistible force, our company has a no liability by the default.

3) If the transportation is canceled or delayed deadpanning of current conditions, the tour itinerary and conditions can be altered at the tour guide’s discretion. Any reimbursement will be made following the guidelines of the transportation company.

4) If the customer experiences any inconvenience and/or changes to the itinerary due to airline, hotel, transportation, restaurants (not OCK tour). It will be reimbursed if the specific company requires to make a reimbursement.

5) Keep personal belongings yourself. In case of any theft, the customer must report to their insurance company for reimbursement as soon as possible.

6) Our company disclaim the responsibility for damages caused by a careless mistake.

7) Our company don’t have a responsibility to take up an insurance policy for the tour. The customer must get an insurance for the tour individually.

Airline cancellation/refund policy


Korean Air


Air Canada Domestic Flight

Cancellations Tickets are non-refundable and are non-transferable. Partially used tickets may be submitted for a refund assessment. The refund will be calculated as follows: Actual fare paid minus the value of the portion of the journey that has been flown and minus the applicable fee. Cancellations can be made up to 45 minutes prior to departure. Exception: Aeroplan flight rewards must be cancelled no later than 2 hours before departure.

Air Canada International Flight

Cancellations Tickets are non-refundable and are non-transferable. Partially used tickets may be submitted for a refund assessment. The refund will be calculated as follows: Actual fare paid minus the value of the portion of the journey that has been flown and minus the applicable fee. Cancellations can be made up to 45 minutes prior to departure.

**These ticket rules may apply differently depending on the class you are using, so please check again with a travel counselor.

Third-party Cancellation/Refund Policy




**These ticket rules may apply differently depending on the class you are using, so please check again with a travel counselor.